Salvation - Are You Saved?
• A - (Admit) Admit that you are a sinner. To "sin" means to do something wrong. Here we bring to mind things that we have knowingly done wrong in our lives, as well as the times when we should have done good but failed to do so.
• B - (Believe) Believe in Jesus and put your trust in Him. Christ's death on a cross two thousand years ago was an act of selfless love. He took on himself the whole sins of humanity, making it possible for all people to encounter God. Believe that Christ has died for you, for all your sins.
• C - (Confess) Confess Christ Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. This means acknowledging that He is your boss, your Master. A kind, generous and loving Master. What He says goes.
If you have followed the ABCs for Salvation - We would love the opportunity to follow up with you.
If you are in need of a church home, we ask that you text "Home" to 586-842-2326.
Do You Want to Be Baptized?
If you would like to be a candidate for baptism, please file out this form so we can make sure we get in contact with you and can get the correct size shirts and proper information.