Praise the Lord! Rev. C. Alonzo Hendley is the oldest son of Kimberly Hendley and Carlos Robey. Rev. Hendley accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at the age of 12 and became a faithful member of Loving Chapel Baptist Church. At the age 14, he accepted his calling to preach the word of God. Elder Hendley is an associate minister. He also served in different ministries at the Loving Chapel Baptist Church, in Franklin, KY under the leadership of Pastor Terry C. Daniels.
Rev. Hendley graduated from Franklin Simpson High School in 2008. Rev. Hendley taught Bible Study. He was the senior leader of the community Vacation Bible School, College Is My Goal (CIMG) and the 2 Mile Fun-walk. While serving in Franklin, he was working within the community of Franklin to get churches to work together and to win the youth back. Rev. Hendley was elected to serve as Youth Chaplain for the Union District Association (42 churches). Under the leadership of Rev. Hendley the UDA Youth Ministry has developed, multiple different Soul Saving Ministries (Refuge, Next Phase, Community God Fest, and Family Encouragement).
Rev. Hendley was asked to help write a 365-Day Devotion book with the 13th District RAYAC Ministry with the AME Church in 2013. Rev. Hendley has worked with the Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM) of Western Kentucky University and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes of Franklin Simpson (FCA).
On April 27, 2015, the Lord called Rev. Hendley to the office of Overseer of Youth for the Praise & Worship Encounter Ministries in Owensboro, KY.
On June 28, 2015, Rev. Hendley united with St. Paul Baptist Church in Guthrie. KY, under the leadership of Pastor Eddie Brown II.
On November 16, 2015, Rev. Hendley became a Notary Public with the state of Kentucky. On November 21, 2015, Rev. Hendley was ordained under the ministry of St. Paul Baptist Church and Pastor Eddie Brown, II.
On April 16, 2016, Rev. Hendley accepted the position of CEO of Reed Productions in Nashville, TN until God moved him to Private Ensemble of Nashville, TN.
Rev. Hendley has a vision to bring Unity in the churches and the community of Franklin Simpson. He's vision is to build an outreach center to bring the homeless off the street and to create jobs and volunteer opportunities for young adults. God has blessed the ministry of Rev. Hendley tremendously, allowing him to travel and spread the word of Jesus Christ in different states, and cities.
Lastly, God gave vision for Rev. Hendley to open The Generation Christian Center and by faith he was obedient and did just that. The Generation Christian Center is reaching people who has been counted out or abandoned. Rev. Hendley has planted two other hub campuses of The Generation Christian Center in Russellville and Bowling Green, Kentucky as well as launching iGen Network.
Rev. Hendley is the proud father of Ki'Mari and stepson DaVaughn.
On October 22, 2022, Rev. Hendley was Consecrated as a Bishop in the Lords Church and Affirmed to the office of Apostle.